Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Run "R" Run

Look to the right. Yep, a whole list of crafty blogs I added today while R was doing the hard work for my thesis! Add your favorites so we can have many ways to procrastinate. Sorry, Alana.

On another note, I am up for many Sunday afternoon sewing sessions after September 13th. I am undertaking the task of Cora's halloween costume this year. She will be going as Cindy Lou Who from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Can you see it?


  1. Great, juuuuuuussssst great. Just when i thought i was back on track....


    also - yes...Cora as Cindy Lou Who - ridiculously cute...i love it!

  2. omg omg omg!! I don't follow HALF of these! Sascha, this is amazing! I may never get time to run an experiment or write another word ever again! Thanks a bunch! :)

  3. I have to admit, I am bad at truly "following". I check them every couple of months and then spend way too long getting caught up. The Tokyo Subway quilt along on Oh, Fransson! looks awesome.
